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Churchill Press Review

Weekly capsules from the FRONT

English Press Focus – Wednesday, 3rd March 2022

Churchill British Language School announces immediate availability to its International Press release “Weekly capsules” from the front pages of major international newspapers with a linguistic zest and twist

by Dora Paronetto


Wednesday, 3 March:

Hostilities intensify on Ukraine’s eastern front – The apocalypse hasn’t happened as of today.

Biden hails unity but leaves much unanswered – PresidentBiden’s challenge in his state to unite Americans behind confrontation with a “brutal Russian leader”.

Italy takes outside risk in joining sanctions – The government realigns with Europ despite strong economic ties to Russia. The events of these days show the imprudence of not having further diversified our energy sources.

War dims prospects for global economy – Sanctions could worsen inflation and further imperil supply chains.

Western tech giants enter the fray, taking sides – In competition to combat cyberattacks in private-public effort.

The war threatens the world’s food supply – Highest prices and supply problems threatens the security of countries already struggling to feed their populations.


Wednesday, 3 March:

Russian pounds Ukranian cities – Moscow admits to casualties, saying nearly 500 soldiers killed in invasion. Turmoil in oil market as prices for benchmark crude hit eight -year high. Refugees crisis poised to be biggest of century after 870,000 flee, says UN.

To pound = to strike heavily

Causalities soar in two biggest cities amid Russia’s escalation of assault – The growing ferocity of missile and artillery attacks on Kyiv and Kharkiv yesterday signalled that the feared full-scale siege of Ukraine’s two biggest cities begun.

To soar = to increase quickly

It pays to heed experts old and new when assessing the risk

Heed = To pay attention to warning, not to ignore

Carmakers shut plants and freeze sales – Essential parts have started to dry up, forcing output curbs while fresh supplies are sought.

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